Practice Management


Revenue Cycle management (RCM) provides handful managing services for clinical functions. From appointment schedule to financial operations, the record of patient care is kept in a sequenced manner. That sequenced track can ultimately adjust your working hours according to a planner. This helps you to make more profit with time saving facility.


In terms of medical billing, AMDSol is a recognizable and effectively helpful management suite. The necessary operation are managed by a practice management system (PMS) that keeps the track of  patient’s appointment, maintains lists of insurance payers and create reports on daily basis.


In today’s stressful working environment, the practice activities such as coding, payment process, and communication with patients requires a lot attention and effort unless you are taking advantage from our services that make your administration better and easy.


For an overview of our services, followings can guide you thoroughly:


•  Electronic communication is offered to connect to your patient from distance.

•  24-hour access is given for the patient’s personal health information.

•  Appointments can be scheduled according to your working hours.

•  Additionally a reminder is set automatically for upcoming appointments.

•  Updated reports are generated.

•  Online payments procedure is provided.

•  Record of electronic transaction is kept safe.

•  Built-in clearing house is present.

•  Accurate and efficient information about the patient is stored.  

•  An efficient payer management

•  Data removal reports

•  An effective patient’s portal

•  Appointments and Scheduling

•  Benefits verification

•  Obtaining authorizations

•   Charge entry

•   Claim review

•  Submission of claims

•  Follow up on accounts receivables (AR)

•  Payment posting

•  Denial fixing


Preparing/dispatching patient statements and post patient payment collections. Our theme is profit maximization with cost minimization.


A satisfactory working routine can make the days better for the health care staff is are constantly dealing with stressful workflow. They are bound to serve their maximum time in handling the operational tasks which gets very traumatic sometimes. Therefore, AMDSol has provided a useful and cost effective management source that eliminates communication barriers and lessens the workload to a great extent.

Primary Care Registration


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